Standing Committees

Fund Raising Committee

Fund Raising Committee

Plan and execute events for raising money to support our efforts in getting out the vote and educating our citizens

Committee Members
      • Jeanne Capello, Chair
      • Yvonne Alexander
Fund Raising Events and Discussions

Fund Raising

Welcome to the discussion for the fund raising committee. Share your ideas, volunteer, get involved and make it happen.

Read more
Fund Raising

Pig Roast

This is a community activity to get money.

Read more
Pig Roast

By-laws Committee

By-laws Committee

The By-laws Committee is responsible for maintaining the by-laws of the Mecklenburg Democratic Committee (MCDC) and ensuring that they meet the needs of the committee and do not conflict with the By-laws of the DPVA .

Committee Members
      • Gerald Olson, Chair
      • Scott Rassbach
      • Evella Hutcheson
Proposed Amendments for 2020

The changes to the MCDC By-laws that were proposed by the MCDC have been approved by the full Committee.

The Mecklenburg County Democratic Committee By-laws can be viewed and downloaded from here.

By-laws, approved June 2020

Finance Committee

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Outreach Committee

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee works to help elect Democrats to all levels of representation by increasing voter turnout. Communicate – Educate – Inspire – Act

Committee Members
    • Melissa Hartman
    • Amanda Greene
    • Laurie Huber
    • Joyce Lindenmuth



Represent, engage, and build relationships with all community members to further democratic principles.


Reach, teach, and increase knowledge, representation, and participation of Mecklenburg County constituencies in the Democratic Party.

Special Events Committee

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Local Nominating Committee

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